Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The weather man can't keep us down

Like a wild pack of Honkies going Tonkin we descended on the the MATC campus today with one thing in mind.

Destruction.....of snow drifts. Certain parts of the course have been scoured clean of any wild white fluff, but in other spots it is 2 feet deep.
AAA and I started cutting the lines for this weekends event, and things are looking good.
We got the first loop opened up with some fast swooping lines.

The entire course will be 3 meters wide and free of snow (yellow or otherwise).
So fear not! there will be XC and CX racing this weekend.
Remember, we will have inside registration, a warm lobby to take a break and secure some vittles, and hot racing action all afternoon


  1. Good work! But i already have a Pugsley on order...

  2. Can't wait! I'm heading to Manhappenin'tonight!
